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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm Sorry.....

I've worked really hard on manners with Teagan. I really want him to know to say please, thank you, your welcome, and all that.

Well.... I think that we taught him, "I'm sorry" too well! Now if he does anything--- drop something, run in to you, knock over his own toys.... Anything he thinks might upset you or hurt you-- he says "I sorry Mommy" or "I sorry Daddy".

I'm so glad that he uses his manners-- but now we have to get him to understand that you don't have to say I'm sorry for EVERYTHING!!! Hmmm... Maybe I should just hope he outgrows it....

Blog Makeover

I decided that my blog was boring-- soo I renamed it-- and I made a new header--- Heres to hoping it inspires me too blog more!!

Yesterday I got Teagan's hair cut-- and as usual-- he was so good! He sat there and let her snip away at his hair. I mean he looked around because hes two and thats what they do-- But he didn't cry or fuss-- so its a win to me!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Apple Picking And Ferry Rides

Okay-- So we had a VERY busy weeked!! I decided I would blog about it-- even though I am still not sure if anyone at all reads this!!

Saturday morning we went apple picking with Grandma Kathy (my mom), Aunt Donna, Claire (22 months), Abbie (10). Grandma Cindy (Jamie's mom), and Grandpa Randy (Jamies dad).

We had SOOOO MUCH FUN!! We got there right when they opened so it was nice and slow-- The little ones had their pick of trees to yank apples off of- and there weren't a ton of kids running around so it was totally safe to let them roam!

After picking apples it was off for rides and ponies!!! We ended our apple picking trip at Cracker Barrell!

My gorgeous niece Abbie-

Claire--22 Months-- Holding her freshly picked apple!

Teagan showing us the apple he picked!

So proud of his apple!

All Ready to Pick!

Walking with Grandma Cindy and Mommy
Riding the Pony!
Riding the Airplane Ride!!-- Im pretty sure here he was saying, "Again mommy"

Kissing Cousins!

Eating an apple-- and being a ham

Our Family
Me, My Mom, and My Sister
Me and My Sis
My Family!

And of course-- a video!!

On to Sunday-- On Sunday we (me, Jamie, Teag, and my Aunt Sue) took a ferry to Brussels, IL (a town of 150 people) to eat lunch at this old hotel for my moms (Grandma Kathy) birthday-- TEAGAN LOVED THE FERRY!!! He loved his Great Aunt Susie even more because she busted him out of his carseat so he could see what was going on as we got on to the ferry!

Me and Teag on the ferry!

I decided I'd add one more video-- Of Teagan being silly!

So if you made it to the end of this-- Congrats!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

He's A Chick Magnet

One of my all time favorite bands is MXPX-- they have a song called Chick Magnet--- and now I have a chick magnet of my own!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

An Update On Life

Well after that LLOOOOOOONG post on Disney-- I thought that everyone may enjoy an update on how our lives are going.

Teagan is ALLLLLL better!!! No more sickness and no more snot running down his face!!!

Jamie got a raise and it will be really nice to have a little extra money.

hmmmm not much else is going on... I wish I had some really exciting story to tell all of you or something super cute that he has done recently-- but I don't!!

OHHHH he is currently completely nuts over Bandaids and at any given point will have on 3 or more. We currently have Cars and Toy Story bandaids!

If Only Disney Ran The Country....

So lately Teag and I have been listening to a lot of Disney songs-- He likes it when I turn on Pandora to the Disney station we have created together.

So on to why I think Disney should "run the country"--- or at least we should all take some advice from Disney on how to treat each other!

In the past week I have heard Phil Collins song, "You'll Be In My Heart"- From Tarzan-- about 6 times and every time I am struck by how true some of the words are.

Come stop your crying
It will be alright
Just take my hand
Hold it tight
I will protect you
From all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry

Take this verse-- I love how it suggests that there are people and things and God-- that will keep you safe-- and protect you-- you don't have to do it all on your own!

Why can't they understand
The way we feel
They just don't trust
What they can't explain
I know we're different but
Deep inside us
We're not that different at all

In this verse-- it really makes me think just how close minded so many people are-- we, as a whole, spend so much time putting people down because their beliefs or opinions are different-- maybe we all need to remeber this--

When destiny calls you
You must be strong
I may not be with you
But you've got to hold on
They'll see in time
I know
We'll show them together

And then this verse-- this of course should be a constant reminder that life is short-- take every opportunity-- There are things that are replaceable but days and experiences aren't.

There are of course other Disney songs as well-- for example:

The Lion Kings- I Just Cant Wait To Be King

I'm gonna be a might king
so enimies beware

We can only hope that we all have that big of dreams-- and that we are willing and able to stand up and fight anything that stands in the way of our dreams.

Toy Story- You've Got A Friend In Me

You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me
When the road looks rough ahead
And you're miles and miles
From your nice warm bed
You just remember what your old pal said
Boy, you've got a friend in me
Yeah, you've got a friend in me

You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me
If you've got troubles, I've got 'em too
There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you
We stick together and can see it through
Cause you've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me

Some other folks might be
A little bit smarter than I am
Bigger and stronger too
But none of them will ever love you
The way I do, it's me and you

Boy, and as the years go by
Our friendship will never die
You're gonna see it's our destiny
You've got a friend in me

Yup=-- I had to post the WHOLE song-- I mean here-- this is just such a good way to treat everyone!

So maybe Im crazy-- Maybe Disney shouldn't be the place we turn to for moral advice... and maybe Disney shouldn't run the country-- BUT if we were all kinder and remembered that we are all the same on the inside-- Maybe the country would be better.. or at least our neighborhoods!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Catching Up

I really wish that I was better about blogging more often.... I'd love it if someday I was able to make this a living and just stay home and blog about all of the adorable things my kid (at that point I am sure it will be kids) do.... But alas-- I do not seem to have the ability to be that dedicated to just writing down the every day....

BUT I am again going to try and get better about it. I want to remember things when Teagan is older and I have more kids and more things to remember and maybe one day I'll have some people who follow us who I don't even know! Is it strange that I find that exciting?

This past week has been LONG... Teagan had croup which morphed in to some kind of tummy bug which of course-- has gone back to the snotty nose bad cough--- I am just praying that this is not a sign of what this winter will be like!!

Of course anyone who knows Teagan knows that feeling sick doesn't get him down-- Its been a snuggly week but still hes a happy guy-- just very easy to bother....

Thursday, September 2, 2010

It's too early Teagan!

Today I had one of those mornings where it's next to impossible to get out of bed... And these are almost always the mornings that Teagan wakes up with gusto.

This morning Jamie left for work and I rolled over to close my eyes again and not 5 minutes later, over the baby monitor, I hear this, "MOMMY OME ET ME!! I AVE A PRISE FOR OO" (Mommy come get me. I have a surprise for you) I dragged myself in there to see "the surprise" because as we all know-- with two year olds you may not WANT to know what it is but you most likely need to know.....

So once I was in his room I asked what my surprise was. He looked at me giggled and said, "Mommy I ooped and it ucky" (mommy i pooped and its yucky) WONDERFUL!! Thats how I like to start my morning... a diaper full of poo..... Soooo while we changed it I told him he needs to either sleep an hour later or wake up 10 minutes earlier so his dad will change it!

On to breakfast-- I put him in the high chair and gave him a banana to eat while I ran the dog outside-- I came back in and the banana was gone, but I was suspicious he had stuck it somewhere because he doesn't normally eat them that fast-- I asked him where it was and he said, "In my tummy Mommy." and rubbed his tummy as he said it....

So Teagan-- Let me just say this--- its too early for you to be so cute....

Currently he is playing with his "tain tack" (train track) that he insisted I build and told me over and over, "it not ig Mommy"-- it must be "ig" now because hes playing and no longer dumping more and more track in to my lap!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Life is what happens.....

While we are not getting around to blogging!!

So I know that I am not a good blogger. I've never been very good at journaling or anything that involves writing about my life. But I have always enjoyed writing things that are make believe-- or things that make people feel good.

So now its September-- Teagan's friend Liam (my friend Adrienne and Davids son) will turn 1 on Sunday and we are looking forward to his party!

School is back in session and I am looking forward to subbing more this year. I think Teagan is looking forward to spending more time with cousin, Claire! (My sister watches him while I work)

I'll post soon.... maybe something fun will happen!

August-- Hot as........

Okay-- August was HOT.... Hot as-- well it was HHHOOOOTTTTT-- the kind of hot where you avoid leaving the house unless you are going to swimming or to an igloo.

I'm trying to remember if anything worth blogging about happened in August....

We were really busy!! We spent a lot of time with friends and family... Not much to say...
OHHH I can update you on some funny things my lil man did!

- One day I came back up from taking the dog out and he was laying on the kitchen table shaking pepper on himself saying, "I take a showa mommy" and I said, "Teagan I'm glad you want to take a shower but lets use water next time and not spices"
- The pepper and salt have since been moved to somewhere other then the table.

- Teagan has started getting stuck on purpose and then yelling, "mommy i tuck. ome et me" I usually try to snap a picture with my phone before I get him..

- Teagan has also started hiding.

Ry-Ry Visits Teagan!

So lets see.... Where did I last leave off? Oh yeah-- July 10th and being busy as busy can bee. (get it-- the last post was Busy Bees.....)

Jackie, Eric, and Rylan (Jamie's sister and her fam) came to visit the last week of July. Rylan and Teagan are two weeks apart in age and are best buds! They are always so excited to see each other, in person or on skype.

We did a lot that week!! So lets recap it

Sunday: The Davis family arrived and my car was hit.
Monday: The Magic House and dinner at Grammy's house. (Grammy= Teagans great grandma)
Tuesday: Car got estimate done, swimming, and open house at Grandmas to visit with friends.
Wednesday: Water Park and celebrated the boys birthdays.
Thursday: Jamie and I dropped Teag off with my mom and we celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary.
Friday: family pics and dinner at Grammy's to say goodbye to Jackie, Eric, and Rylan!

I know I should have pics... but my camera was stolen in March so I don't!

It was a great week! We had a lot of fun visiting and the boys became even better buddies. In fact, a few weeks later when we went back to the water park-- Teagan wondered where "ry ry" was.

We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Jackie and Erics new baby in October-- The plan is October 21!!